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What should I do if I slip and fall in a store?

Stores, restaurants and other public buildings are common places in Florida where slip-and-fall accidents tend to occur. Many property owners are aware of the dangers and liability concerns that arise when someone falls and is injured on their properties, but they do not always take proper precautions to prevent these… Continue reading What should I do if I slip and fall in a store?

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Common causes of food poisoning

When people go to restaurants, hotels and places that serve food in Florida, many of them are not aware of the dangers they face when their food is not prepared properly. According to the Statistic Brain Institute, 325,000 victims are hospitalized each year because of foodborne illnesses. Thousands of other people suffer mild… Continue reading Common causes of food poisoning

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Factors that contribute to senior slip-and-fall accidents

Slip-and-fall accidents are a leading cause of injury for many Florida seniors. According to, emergency rooms saw more 2.3 million seniors who had nonlife-threatening injuries from slip-and-fall accidents in 2010. Older people are more likely to trip and fall than any other age group. Most of these accidents often… Continue reading Factors that contribute to senior slip-and-fall accidents

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Ways to improve nightclub and bar security

Many bar and nightclub owners in Florida are so busy running their businesses that they may forget that it is their duty to protect their patrons from certain hazards and security issues. One major risk that many alcohol-serving establishments encounter is when inebriated customers start fights and brawls. Bar and… Continue reading Ways to improve nightclub and bar security

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Ways property owners can keep their tenants safe

Many people who are unable to find vacancies in luxurious high-rise apartments in Florida often find themselves moving to apartment complexes that are undoubtedly more affordable. These apartments may offer the same amenities and living space. But there may be some security issues that can affect tenant safety. Some apartments… Continue reading Ways property owners can keep their tenants safe

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How can I protect myself from injuries while on vacation?

Summer is on its way, and soon the roads will be filled with tons of tourists visiting from all over the country. No one ever expects to fall ill or become injured while they are relaxing and having fun on vacation, but vacation accidents are very common in Florida. Careful… Continue reading How can I protect myself from injuries while on vacation?

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