From ABC 10 comes a disturbing story of a man who keeps having cars crash into his home. According to the story, Rogers Harold has lived in Miami Garden for years near a three-way stop that has no light. Fearing that motorists were going to crash into his home, he decided to parallel park his car near the curb to act as a barrier.
Mr. Harold’s instincts were correct. In August 2019, a white Kia had crashed into his car and then continued until it slammed into his home, which is located close to the intersection of Northwest 179th Street and Northwest Ninth Avenue. The crash left a huge hole in his wall, and neighbors rushed to the scene to help.
Mr. Harold is obviously worried about future accidents. He hopes the city figures out a solution, preferably one that includes installing speed bumps and lights at the three-way intersection. This is the second car crash into his home in the past two years, and there is no reason to assume there won’t be more.
A City’s Duty to Its Residents
Poor road design can create hazards that injure motorists and other innocent people, like those living near intersections. Based on road layout or other hazards, people can lose control of their vehicles and end up colliding with people and buildings.
An interesting question exists about whether the road outside Mr. Harold’s home can be made safer. If so, then the city should go ahead and make reasonable changes. Putting up speed bumps or an intersection light could be sensible options in this case, though every situation is different.
When governmental inaction causes accidents, victims can bring a lawsuit against the municipality responsible for negligence. Mr. Harold should meet with an attorney to review his case.
If you believe that the city is taking inadequate safety measures to protect you and your family, you should consider a lawsuit. Suing a municipality is not the same as suing a private citizen, however. Florida law has different requirements and deadlines you need to follow, so it is vital that you meet with an attorney experienced at suing Miami or another city.
Speak to One of Our Lawyers in a Free Consultation
Dolan Dobrinsky Rosenblum Bluestein, LLP, is a leading Miami law firm that has handled countless car accident cases. We are skilled at investigating and assigning liability to the correct party, including government agencies for poor road design.
If you have been injured, contact us today. We will gladly meet to discuss your case if you call 305-371-2692.